Saturday, January 30, 2010


Prostitution and Racism Articles

Aboriginal Women's Statement on Legal Prostitution, Canada

December 6, 2007

As Aboriginal women on occupied Coast Salish Territory, we, the Aboriginal Women's Action Network (AWAN) implore you to pay attention to the voices of Aboriginal women and women's groups who are speaking out in the interest of our sisters, our daughters, our friends and all women whose voices have not been heard in the recent media discussion on prostitution and legalized brothels for the 2010 Olympics.

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Reclaiming Their Lives and Breaking Free:
An Afrocentric Approach to Recovery From Prostitution

Valandra 2007

Little research has examined the specific healing needs of prostituted African American women. In this qualitative research study, eight African American women who were receiving culturally specific services at an Afrocentric agency participated in a focus group and in-depth semistructured interviews.

Continue reading "Reclaiming Their Lives and Breaking Free:
An Afrocentric Approach to Recovery From Prostitution"

Prostitution in Vancouver: Violence and the Colonization of First Nations Women

Melissa Farley, Jacqueline Lynne, Ann J. Cotton 2005

Researchers interviewed 100 women prostituting in Vancouver, Canada. They found an extremely high prevalence of lifetime violence and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) along with a high percentage of histories of childhood sexual assault. . Findings are discussed in terms of the legacy of colonialism, the intrinsically traumatizing nature of prostitution and prostitution’s violations of basic human rights.

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Prostitution and Trafficking of Women and Children from Mexico to the United States

Marisa B. Ugarte, Laura Zarate, and Melissa Farley 2003

In this article, researchers describe the historical background of sex trafficking from Mexico to the United States. Researchers summarize two case examples that illustrate the complexity of providing physical and emotional safety, as well as immigration protection to victims of trafficking into prostitution. Researchers emphasize the importance of understanding the varied cultural contexts in which sexual exploitation, rape, prostitution and trafficking occur.

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Colonialism and the Sexual Exploitation of Canada's First Nations Women

Jackie Lynne 1998

First Nations or Aboriginal women in Canadian prostitution are harmed today because of the legacies of colonialism. This article goes into some of the historical roots of this issue.

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Prostitution: Where Raciscm and Sexism Intersect

Vednita Nelson 1993
A discussion about how racism channels African American women into prostitution, and once they are in prostitution - even there, they are discriminated against. Racism always affects women in prostitution, just as racism affects Women of Color everyplace else in society.